
Bus ride to En Gedi

We got up very late debating what to do and see next. The last few days were packed with walking activities. All this walking was taking its toll on Blondie's knees. So we decided to take an afternoon bus ride to En Gedi (Wikipedia), a small village on the west side of the Dead Sea.

I used Rome2Rio, a very helpful travel application, to find a round-trip bus connection from Jerusalem to En Gedi. Here is a link to additional Dead Sea tourist information and articles on Masada (Wikipedia) and En Gedi.

En Gedi has three main parts:
We had an afternoon snack at the hotel restaurant while waiting for our return bus. We arrived too late to visit the Oasis and David's waterfall at the Nature Reserve. However, the bus ride along the Dead Sea and the sunset during the return made the trip worthwhile.

Dead Sea - Tour Guide

Only after we returned from our Israel trip did I find out that En Gedi is mentioned several times in the Old Testament, for example: in 1 Samuel 24:1. The Oasis of En Geti has a deep spiritual meaning and a prophetic future Ezekiel 47:10.

En Gedi Reserve - Living Water In the Desert

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